Friday, July 26, 2013

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet!

                                                                         A picnic and a play!
This summer I gathered a group of girlfriends and after packing a picnic, we packed ourselves into one of their Suburbans and made our way in the San Francisco East Bay to an outdoor production of Cal Shakes' Romeo and Juliet. Gathering around one of their many picnic tables on the sprawling wooded grounds, we waited for the sun to exit stage west, so the actors could make their grand entrance at dusk in the nearby outdoor theater. In the meantime, we spread out a table cloth and shared our morsels; Some brought deli sandwiches, others a salad, cheese and crackers and one friend even made "hand pies" to eat in our seats after the sun set and the play began. I threw together a "charcuterie," which is just a fancy French name for a variety of cured meats layered on a serving board along with the "cornichons" and Dijon I placed into little glass jars. The key word is "presentation" folks! I could have just as easily opened up packages of salami and twisted open the jars of pickles and mustard, but that's just not how I roll. I like to take simple occasions and make them a little more memorable with little touches that say, "We are making a special memory," which is exactly what my friends and I accomplished. Carefully tucked in the basket were petite wine glasses I found at a Hospice Shop earlier in the week and I wrapped each one in a cloth napkin so they wouldn't break on our ride to the play. Cloth napkins for me are standard fare any given day of the week, whether it is "take out" on a Tuesday, Thanksgiving, or simply hosting a group of my sons' fraternity brothers for a summer BBQ. Growing up we used cloth napkins and I carry the tradition over to this day. 
                                    Beyond the stage, the sun shines the last of day's light on the hillside.  

Full from our lingering picnic and finally snuggled in our seats, I reflected on plays past. I am not a Shakespeare snob by any means. Yet, having grown up about an hour from Ashland, Oregon, home of the world renowned Shakespeare Festival, it is not boasting to say I was accustomed to the grand theatrical productions with elaborate costumes and performances in the incredible outdoor Amphitheater. Nestled among the trees and overlooking Lythia Park, the nearby stream ran swiftly by while we sat completely still in our seats, taking in every scene as the actors led us away to another place and time. All the while locals in the quaint town below continued about their business of closing up shops and meeting friends for dinner, tucking into cozy restaurants dotting their charming town. My mother and I would see many glorious plays, but especially anticipated Romeo and Juliet making the rotation and we were thrilled each time it was included in the summer line up. This tradition continued until I moved away to attend college and later that same year my mother passed away. Having lost her at the age of 19, many years later I was finally ready to continue with the tradition and arranged a trip to see Romeo and Juliet with two incredible people in my life, one was the wonderful woman my dad remarried after losing my mom and the other was my sweet mother-in-law. It was very special and bittersweet at the same time.

Still, all those lovely recollections of plays that I've relished over the years, didn't inhibit me from wanting to check out the Shakespeare theater in the East Bay nestled in a hillside and hidden from the hustle and bustle of the freeway below. And each time I made my way to the City and passed the exit, the Shakespeare sign beckoned to me and I made a mental note that someday I would indeed go see a production there, but at the same time I experienced a slight hesitation. What could be more special than memories of venturing to Ashland to take in a play, I pondered? Alas, after all these years, I was excited to finally be checking out Cal Shakes and just as Shakespeare wrote, "A Rose by any other name would smell just as sweet!" How true! Be it Ashland or Orinda, I regret wholeheartedly that I didn't take in the experience sooner, having lived nearby all these years. And so on that recent summer night before we made our way to our seats, we toasted a perfect evening for an outdoor play, life long friends and a new tradition in the making!  

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Love your writing, keep it up!
